My Mind Is Made Up! I’m A Network Marketer!




It took a little while, but my mind is made up! I’m a network marketer! Many people have a problem with making a decision and sticking with it when it comes to network marketing. There is always something emerging to distract the marketer from staying focused on the original plans. Sometimes distractions come from family members and their negative beliefs about the network marketing industry. Also, the new marketer may enter the field under the false notion that they will get rich quickly with minimum effort. However, they soon find out that that’s the farthest thing from the truth. Now, I’m not implying you can’t get rich, but it takes more work and time than a lot of network marketing companies are willing to admit.

Since you’ve made the decision to join our industry, let’s get you started with some training on how to figure out your customer avatar, or the people to whom  you are marketing. According to network marketers Bill and Michelle Pescosolido, you must ask yourself these questions:

1. Where does my avatar hang out?

2. What websites do they visit?

3. What do they read?

4. What do they watch on TV?

5. What do they do in their free time?

6. What are their goals?

7. Who are their heroes?

8. Who are their enemies?

9. Whom do they want to please?

10. For whom are they responsible?

11. What keeps them up at night?

You should ask yourself these questions so you will know to whom it is you’re marketing. It’s very important to know your avatar’s motivation. Also, you have to make sure you are solving their pain with the content you provide. If you follow these steps, your prospects are more likely to take a look at your business opportunity or buy your products.

For more great information on how to generate leads online, go to:

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