Generate Leads Online Right Now

20160123_194522~2How can you generate leads online right now? Start with value. In other words, give whatever would be considered valuable to your target market. If  you want to get people’s attention,  give  them  something they would want, free of charge! When you  give an individual something he or she can use for FREE, you leave a lasting impression, which is what you want to do. Why? People typically only buy from those they know and trust. Although they may not know you personally, they feel like they know you, and that’s all that matters.

Let’s talk about how you can acquire a prospect’s name and email address, which is key to building your business.

(1) Determine who your target market is.

(2) Create content that will help them solve a  problem in their particular field. For example, for Network Marketing, you can create a capture page such as,  “Three  Secrets to Closing  More Reps” or “How to Generate Leads Online Right Now “.  For Health & Wellness, you can create a capture page that gives “The 5 Best Foods for Energy”. For Cosmetics, you might write an article about  “The Benefits of Replenishing Your Skin”.

Those are some of the steps you can follow to persuade prospects  to opt in on your site.  I just  gave  you a few ideas on how to  generate  leads  online  right  now. If you  want to  learn how the six and seven  figure earners do it, click the link

Now that you know what to do, I’m going to give you the best system to use

If you follow these simple instructions, you can begin generating leads today!

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